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Weekly Updates and AnnouncementsMay 9, 2024

Updated: Jun 18

Webinar: Transition to Tailored Plans - What Families and Advocates Need to Know

Announcement from the NC Medicaid Managed Care Advocates:

Medicaid for many North Carolinians with disabilities will drastically change on July 1, 2024, with the transition to Tailored Plans. This change will mean that people who are Tailored Plan eligible, which includes those who receive services under the Innovations waiver, TBI waiver, 1915(i), and many intensive mental health services such as ACT, will be under managed care for all of their Medicaid services, including physical health. This means that people will have limited choices of physical health care providers, and may have to change their doctors. Other changes will impact enrollees as well.

Join us online on Tuesday, May 21 from 12 - 1 pm, where our expert advocates will: 

  • Review the transition to Tailored Plans;

  • Highlight how the enrollee experience will be different;

  • Identify potential problems and advocacy opportunities. 

Presenters include: Doug Sea, Senior Litigation Attorney at Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy; Elizabeth Edwards, Senior Attorney at the National Health Law Program; and Corye Dunn, Director of Public Policy at Disability Rights North Carolina.

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